Texas House Bill 206 was introduced into the 88th Legislative session, which aims to eliminate the civil statute of limitations for abuse and sex abuse of children in the state of Texas. This is is necessary because victims and survivors of childhood sex abuse rarely report their abuse when it happens, and they statistically report their abuse in their late 40s and early 50s, with the average being 52. We are asking victims and survivors to fill out a short form about their abuse, and the responses will be sent to every Texas state Representative, Senator and the Governor. Your voice will be heard. In the form, there is additional information and an introductory video that explains this in more detail. And for more information, please see our related articles "Texas Bill Filed to Eliminate the Statute of Limitations for Child Sex Abuse" and "The Effects Of Childhood Sex Abuse." From all of us at SCSA, and other victims and survivors, we deeply appreciate your support in this effort to ensure that all our children, past, present and future, can get the justice they deserve.
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