Photo Credit: Second Harvest Food Bank
Archbishop Aymond of the Archdiocese of Louisiana has fired Second Harvest Food Bank's CEO Natalie Jayroe, Chairman Bert Wilson, Vice chairman Kristen Albertson and Past Chair Nick Karl, because the Food Bank refused to give Aymond $16,000,000.00 to pay off the victims of the Church's doing and bankruptcy. Second Harvest Food Bank feeds approximately 400,000 indigent in southern Louisiana. They are an essential ingredient to relieve suffering and help people be whole again.
As an organization, SCSA, and the majority of the victims and survivors were shocked by these actions, and thank you Jayroe, Wilson, Albertson and Karl for their tireless dedication to the poor of Louisiana and their dedicated service to the community spanning decades. We also are very proud of them as a team for their absolute refusal to be corrupted by the ask of Archbishop Aymond. Aymond's ask and the measures he took as a punitive measure and ruined four people's incredible careers is diabolical, mean-spirited, and most of all, evil. Jayroe and her team's response to Aymond's ask was simply courageous.
The victims and survivors sentiments by this action are harsh and real. Aaron Hebert asserts "The innocent food-needy citizens should not have to pay for the Archdiocese sins." Luke Weisma likewise said "The innocent shouldn't pay for the sins of the church." Scott said it purely, simply, and was very direct and succinct "Kepp the Food Bank. End the Church." Other SCSA members echo our sentiments, but wish to remain anonymous.
It's very easy to point out all of Aymond's sick actions, and we do it all the time. Besides the initial acts of abuse, the coverup, the coverup of the coverup, this is perhaps the most disturbing "play ball or else" action we have seen him commit. Not only was the demand unspeakable, the consequences retaliatory; but now thousands, a lof them children, will suffer as a result, as major donors are thinking or have pulled out because they cannot, in good faith send their monies to a great organization that is now headed by Aymond's newly-appointed goons.
In closing, again, SCSA and our victims and survivors gratefully thankĀ Second Harvest Food Bank's CEO Natalie Jayroe, Chairman Bert Wilson, Vice chairman Kristen Albertson and Past Chair Nick Karl for their years of dedicated service, and their courageous refusal to take food out of the mouths of the poor, and give it to a monster to pay off his victims. You and your team lead by example, and set the tone for other organizations who have been approached to do the same. It is a tragedy that you lost your careers for doing the right thing. May God bless you and keep you.
New Orleans archbishop fires food bank leaders for refusing to fund abuse settlement
Bankrupt Roman Catholic archdiocese replaced members at church-affiliated non-profit over $16m dispute
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