Our very first show of the SCSA Radio Network, "The Interviews w/Richard Windmann." This show is scheduled once monthly and contains interviews with national advocates, leaders, and professionals in the field of sexual abuse. Our very first guest is Gene Thomas Gomulka, a retired U.S. Navy Captain (O6) who was ordained a priest for the Altoona-Johnstown Diocese and later named a Monsignor by St. Pope John Paul II.  Gene and Dominican Father Thomas Doyle had their ecclesiastical endorsements to serve as military chaplains unjustly revoked in 2004 by then-Archbishop Edwin O’Brien in retaliation for their work in exposing and combating clerical sex abuse in the Catholic Church.  Gomulka retired after 24 years of active duty military service and took a leave of absence from the priesthood. We will talk about Gene’s work with former seminarians and priests who experienced reprisals by Church superiors for reporting predatory behavior or sexual misconduct involving bishops, priests, or seminarians. You can see Gene's website and learn more about him at: https://www.gomulka.net

The Interviews w/Richard Windmann

Our very first show of the SCSA Radio Network, "The Interviews w/Richard Windmann." This show is scheduled once monthly and contains interviews with national advocates, leaders, and professionals in the field of sexual abuse. Our very first guest is Gene Thomas Gomulka, a retired U.S.