Our guest is Siobhan O'Conner, whistleblower and childhood Sex Abuse advocate. A cradle Catholic born and raised in Buffalo, NY, Siobhan O'Connor earned her BA in History and a Masters in Childhood Education. With 10 years experience as an executive assistant, Siobhan began working for Bishop Richard J. Malone in July of 2015. During the summer of 2018, her conscience compelled her to turn to the media to expose the abuse cover-up within the Diocese of Buffalo, which had been perpetuated by Bishop Malone. In addition to sharing pertinent Chancery documents with local, national and international media outlets, Siobhan provided them to the FBI and other law enforcement agencies. She is now focused on advocacy for survivors of clerical sexual abuse and the reform of the Church to which she still belongs.

An introduction of Siobhan:
