Breaking the Chains is important to be able to begin the healing process. Tonight we are celebrating SCSA from people from survivors at

The guests can tell what brought them to SCSA; what SCSA means to the individual; so come and listen to different people's testimonies.

Whether a person is dealing with drugs or alcohol, a survivor of child sexual abuse, or if you know anyone who has gone through this, please do not dismiss a person's story. Be there for them. If you know of a child in danger, please call 1-800-4-ACHILD. 

We at SCSA want to motivate. We aspire to never lose hope. We also have a separate men's and ladies' support groups. 

The time of the show is 7:30 PM, US Eastern Time

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Breaking The Chains w/John Anderson

Breaking the Chains is important to be able to begin the healing process. Tonight we are celebrating SCSA from people from survivors at The guests can tell what brought them to SCSA; what SCSA means to the individual; so come and listen to different people's testimonies.